Hi all,
Had the Explorer for a couple of weeks now but it's too dry to do the parks around here. Been trying a couple of sites that are pretty challenging for me with a detector I have a handle on...oh well....
I got a lot of these signals that are accompanied by a peculiar 'beeep-thump'
They are repeatable but the icon doesn't match any of the coin areas I've seen posted. should I be digging these? I didn't the last couple of times out but am still curious as to what I may be missing....yea I know...DIG ONE OR TWO!...but just thought someone might know.
<IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="">
<font color="black"><b>Tom</b></font><font color="red"><b>E</b></font><font color="black"><b>boy</b></font>
Had the Explorer for a couple of weeks now but it's too dry to do the parks around here. Been trying a couple of sites that are pretty challenging for me with a detector I have a handle on...oh well....
I got a lot of these signals that are accompanied by a peculiar 'beeep-thump'
They are repeatable but the icon doesn't match any of the coin areas I've seen posted. should I be digging these? I didn't the last couple of times out but am still curious as to what I may be missing....yea I know...DIG ONE OR TWO!...but just thought someone might know.
<IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="">
<font color="black"><b>Tom</b></font><font color="red"><b>E</b></font><font color="black"><b>boy</b></font>