Well, it takes a little more equipment of course to night hunt....I have a LED headlamp I got at Wally-World for like $15.00 It has 5 modes of operation, and 3 LEDs...bright...runs on 3 AAAs and lasts about 80 hours running time....there are also the ones that just clip onto the brim of your hat.....night hunting to me is both relaxing and more enjoyable, but it can also be a little edgy at times...your senses seem to be more heightened in the dark, and without the bustle of the day, you hear, smell, and see things you do not during the day...I have had deer come within 5 feet of me, skunks curious as to what I am doing in their dinner bowl (grub field), and drunk folks coming back from bars...I usually dress in dark clothes, and if I see someone I think will be trouble, I just douse the light and stay low to the ground for a while till they are gone...At night, there are no kids to bug you, and you usually have your spot all to yourself...At first, the local five-O will hound you, but once the boys in blue/gray get to know you, they leave ya alone....After all, I am out sometimes at 3AM...They have a right to know what I am doing looking all goofy in my gear out in the middle of some field at that time in the AM...A good pin-pointer is essential at night, and good pinpointing skills with your detector are a MUST....it is also cooler at night during the summer months, and for some of us, it is the ONLY time you can hunt and not sweat buckets....All in all, you just need to keep your wits about you, but do not let your fear get in the way of having a good hunt...it is slower going at night, and you need to slow down and take your time...My finds are often fewer, but my hunting is more relaxed and enjoyable....give it a shot in a lot you know and are comfortable with...You may find it becomes your favorite activity...Just do not get in the habit of Night Hawking...This is going onto public property at night and hunting when the owners are away or asleep...this is just a BAD image for the hobby....
As a last note, BUG SPRAY!!!...them skeeters are killers...also your out in the dirt, so ticks are also another worry...wear socks and good shoes.....shower well when you get home to avoid ticks and sand fleas and poison ivy and such....
GoGoGoher - Formerly BH-LandStar