The F Point really shines in certain condidtions. I use it maybe once per outing if that. I stab clad/coins/jewelry with a screwdriver being my probe. Usually I can hit a coin on the first attempt down to about 4-5". Now, if the target is a RING in the grassroots, they are very hard to stab, so I slip the Fpoint into the little hole the screwdriver made and it puts me on target. If a coin gets tilted on edge, the F point finds it too, if its a chain in the grass roots, same thing. It has to either be touching the target or real close to it, so a fellow knows when its located. I know everybody likes the Garrett Propoint, but for me it would not work as good as the Fpoint, its target reading range is too far for what I do. Again, I seldom dig a hole, I just sort of ream out a finger sized hole for the target retrieval. The Fpoint is really needed when stabbing clad in a gravel dirt can sort of tell the difference in the "feel" of gravel over coins, but its tough. matter of style I guess. IF Fisher DID produce a PP as good as the Garrett, sure it would sell, especially if it had an LED in it, so a fellow can use it in the dark.