It was warmer and not raining this evening so I got to go out MDing for a little while. Didn't find much but I guess a little is better than nothin. I had fun anyways and thats what counts. The only relics I found was a old shut off valve wheel and whatever the other thing is. Still trying to figure it out. Part of the fun of relic huntin is trying to figure out what some finds are. Maybe someone on the forum can help. I believe it to be a broken handle from an old safe. It has the lettering F& on it along with USA and a number. Its made from a real heavy metal, no rust just tarnished. The site I hunted was around an old workshop beside of an old homesite that belonged to one of our past bankers. The homesite is over 100 years old. Going back again, the site gives a lot of promise. Maybe I'll luck out and find the safe.
KY Bud
KY Bud