New member
The problem started 5 mo. ago when I went to the hospital for 3 days--They told me to stop some medicines including my Water pills---I did not realise my legs were swelling up and it got to the point that on Sun. of labor day my right leg openen up a hole bigger than a silver $---Water poured out and soaked my jeans from the knee down and filled my boots---I Was In Eastern Oregon so all I could do was fold up paper towels and put it inside my sock till I got back home to see a doctor---He put me back on water pills and my leg from the knee down droped 1/3 in size---I can now walk normal BUT I am still totally wiped out--I have had a hard time getting any food down I just dont care for food---I think I have lost 20 lbs. which I never want to see again as most was water---I will post again when I feel like it !