Did get in a short hunt yesterday morning before the honey do's kicked in and made a couple of neat finds. Dug the Eagle staff button almost right out of the box. It bounced around quite a bit, but enough nickel numbers to give it a go. That is the 3rd one of those smaller buttons I've recovered from this spot. My next good target was the band. Another mixed tone target that was ever so faint. Finally found it with the pin pointer at the 8" mark. Thought it might be a copper or brass ring, maybe period, but it had seen far better days. Upon cleaning it up when I got home discovered the inside was gold and marked 14k with a star fore and aft of the 14k. It had been in the ground a good while as it was slowing eroding away. Not to long after the ring got a nice nickel range reading showing 6." Thought it might be an old nickel, but it was in tough shape right out of the ground. With some cleaning it became a 1912 Liberty nickel. The lead, piece of horse tack and 2 30's era wheats rounded out the best of the hunt. HH jim tn