I obtained permission to detect this house a while ago, but didn't manage to make time until last Wednesday. It's not particularly old, only being built in the 1930's. I started out using my AT Pro with the stock coil to get a feel for the site. I then switched to the Multi Kruzer+stock coil, which is what I found the V nickel with. I finished up using the AT Pro with the 5x8 DD coil. Due to having only a short amount of time, I mostly cherry picked for high conductors in the hope of finding silver. Unfortunately, that didn't work out, but I'm pretty sure there will be some at this spot. Next time I intend to start grid searching areas and dig every non ferrous target. I have a 5x9.5 DD coil on the way for the Multi Kruzer that I intend to test at this spot. Hopefully it's as fun to use as the 5x8 on the AT Pro. I still find myself grabbing the AT Pro most of the time even though the Kruzer works better based on comparing signals..