New member
I took my MXT with new 8" DD Excelerator search coil to the park this morning for a quick hunt before the heat got to bad. I found a little clad,a 14K gold religious medallion VDI 14-16, a key, a medallion with a dollar sign on it and what I thought at first was a car cigarette lighter. Upon closer inspection I found that it wasn't a lighter but was a pot pipe. I unscrewed it an found it was loaded and had not been fired. After I finished my hunt I took it to my truck and sure enough it fit in the lighter socket. I spend 24 yrs as a police officer and I have never seen one of them. I guess I should have checked cars lighter more closely LOL. Funny thing is that it has a patent number stamped on it. Oh ya, I dumped the grass in a garbage can before leaving. One more thing in regards to the 8" DD coil. It is a great coil and I recommend that if you get a chance to try or get one do it. It does everything you would want a coil to do and then some. I have found that it gets down to the deep targets, VDI numbers are accurate, it pinpoints easily at the tip or foot of the coil,I was able to run the gain high without a lot of chatter. Just one great coil that I am adding to my arsenal of coils and I recommend it. If you want further info feel free to send me a pm. HH Dennis in Idaho