nugget producers.
You just registered with the forum today and this was your 2nd post so I'm curious what detector(s) you might have been researching, since you're shopping for something new, and with an old Outlaw DE 280 it's about time you do just that! It's an oldie, for sure. They worked then, and if it's in good shape it will work today, but it just won't work like a lot of the good stuff available now.
Also, other than seek gold nuggets, you asked about a "general use" detector. By "general use" for coin hunting are you talking about an urban/in-town coin shooter for parks and schools and dealing with common trash like pull tabs and such? Or are you more interested in seeking older coins in less-commonly worked sites, such ghost towns, mining camps and towns, old resort or recreation areas, etc.?
This is a Garrett Forum so I'll not dwell on a lot of the rest, and I will add two Garrett models for consideration, but a quick short list would include the following:
Fisher's Gold Bug Pro, F-75 and F-5.
Garrett's Scorpion Gold Stinger and AT Pro.
Teknetics G2, T2, Omega and Gamma.
White's MXT Pro, MXT and M6.
As you investigate these and other models you might address specific brand/model questions to the appropriate brand forum here at Findmall. You can also PM or e-mail some of the forum posters to discuss things directly, too. I know that I usually prefer that instead of drag one-on-one discussions out on the forums. Also, I put the above models in BOLD type if I have used them in the past to locate gold nuggets.