I have had the stock DD coil on for most of the summer, and did OK. However, I prefer the 9" x 12" concentric much more. I like to hunt using audio, and I find that the concentric coils just give me more, better audio then the DD coil, and it is also much easier to pinpoint most targets, saving me a lot of time. My soil is pretty neutral, so the DD is really of no benefit for me. I got a lot more coins today then I expected also. Those one and two dollar coins sure bring up the $$$ totals fast.
Here are a couple of tokens I dug up. The care was is pretty well self explanatory. The "DINO DOLLAR goes back to 1983 when I Dinosaur show came through Edmonton during the summer. I also got a hockey pin, a favorite past time around here and a nice little heart with 3 (fake) stones.
Here the rings. A Big Cat Daddy Ring and a dolphin ring. I'm glad rings are still popping up.