I'm one of those that dig very few low conductors, because where I hunt is very trashy. But lately I have been digging a few nickel signals, especially if they're fairly deep. Today I had a nickel signal, dug the hole and found a beaver tail tab, refilled the hole, then swung over it again and got a deeper hit, reading 04 on conductivity, about 6 inches deep. Turned out to be a shield nickel, my first. Obverse is in bad shape, but using a loupe, I think I can read the date as 1868. Also found the 1893 Indian and two wheats 1918 and 1940. Funny thing is I have not found a V nickel yet. Today was a perfect day for detecting, 55 degrees and sunny, and the ground moist but not muddy. Total time was 2 hours and 15 minutes.