All new and strange to me,my first Garrett Detector. Put rods together nice and tight,no undo looseness?Put washers in bottom coil rod. Thats cool 3 little pins line washers up and in, thats a first never saw that on any other detector. Put coil on,nice solid coil. I like the thick coil bolt, down have to worry about snapping that one.! Interesting plugs ends for coil and earphones. OK put a little shortening on plugs as lubricant,they popped in easy enough.I found screwing the plug caps on no worse than Fisher screw plugs? Wasn't a big deal, and yes I have big hands!!!.The earphones look well built,better than my other name brand detector phones. And hey they fit my noggin a ok, thats a plus for me, not to small , I was concerned about that.Cord length okay too I'm 6'1".nice volume control a lot louder than my other phones. HOORAY! it came with a armstrap,usually i have to put one on, no velcro coil straps though,thats why I have extras. Hmmmm arm cuff length hey guys it dosen't bother me dosen't feel awkward, could be a good thing I carry my pouch on the right side and was alwas bumping it with longer arm cuff length... OK with coil on a little front end end heavy, I can live with that for now. I turned AT Pro on in house tried it in Pro Coin with audio on an off I could tell difference between coins an junk, ok thats workable.tried std mode nice ding ding on coins etc. SO thats what Garrett bell sounds like ding ding come and get it! LOL. Put my wedding ring and 14KT fine gold chain on floor faint weak signals .I have heard better with two other machines I had.Then again not really a fair test with interference in house etc. So far I see no real cons to speak of,I will take it out tomorrow snow or no snow. ...And there are some definite positives for sure.... I'm doing a happy dance for now!!!!........