When I hunt the fresh water beaches with my BHID, I hunt in DISC mode all of the time. I dig everything since pull tabs etc. sound like gold. I don't find any fish hooks or things like that since I'm in DISC mode so digging everything is not a big deal. I will switch to All metal if I have a hard time pinpointing in DISC and when I get a very faint whisper in DISC.
Also. The way I look at it is this: I'm nearly 100% certain that I'm the only one hunting these areas. Therefore, the more trash I pull out, the easier my hunts in the future will be. When I first started this one particular beach, my trash bag was absolutely filled with caps and pull tabs. On the last few hunts on that same beach, my bag had gotten only 1/4 full. So when the season returns next summer, the ratio of digging better targets and less pull tabs should become a bit more even thus making digging less of a chore.
To get to the gold, you must dig pull tabs. Get to know your machine. It is good to discriminate out the iron but make sure you don't discriminate out the pull tabs and aluminum.
The fact that your beach is as loaded as mine just tells me that you are most likely the only one with a detector that will mess with it. For example. My brother and I were hunting a lake near where he lives. While we were there, a fellow pulled up and began chatting up my brother who was still searching the sand as I was in the water neck deep. Turns out, the guy just bought a metal detector. He went and got it out of his truck, swung it around for about 30 minutes with a very nice pendulum motion

and left. I went over to where he hunted on my way to my truck and found all of his digs. They were all pull tabs. He left his holes and left the trash. He got really discouraged. He won't be back to that beach ever so more for us. Too bad though for him. I hate to see guys get discouraged so easily.
Here is the loot from that particular hunt as I posted in another forum. You will notice all of the pull tabs.
I look forward to reading about your future hunts on that beach. I really should post more of my hunts in here as well. Perhaps I'll post my next hunt that I plan on doing either Wednesday or Thursday if I get my work done today.