Finally getting back out digging after a few years of laying low. Well after a few curveballs from life I have found myself wanting to get out and do some digging so after gathering up all of my detecting junk I've been getting out here and there, however I found myself with the E trac and a small coil (bum elbow) snooping around in auto sens/stock coin program at the same hunted out old parks and schools looking for those signals with just the right sound and numbers to match so of course you know what that leads to... disappointing finds... becoming frustrated I looked at some of my old finds from a few years ago but from the same places and started thinking about what coil/settings I was using then. After some recollection I dug out the mighty Platypus 8x12 from coiltek slapped the E trac into manual sens 26 and installed the Andy S pattern and slowed WAY down and was rewarded for doing so very soon after. been getting in some short hunts after work to spots that me and every digging buddy I've ever had have been to numerous times these are not mind blowing finds by any means but they have gone a long way in restoring my confidence. sorry for poor photo but you get the idea my mindset was to dig deeper/different signals that sounded good. I show the clad quarter only because it was 5 inches deep but had the rusty Phillips tip 2 inches above it but I was very confident that there was a coin in there. I dug the key cause it sounded good and was a drop of water in the middle of a desert. the nugget looking clump rang up 12-11 and was shallow so I thought maybe a ring don't know what it is seems much harder than lead. the neckerchief slide sounded like penny but was obviously larger so I dug it. the silver ring 1919 merc 1942 merc and 1950 rosie where all 6 to 8 inches down not rock solid numbers but all had that sound that I love to hear from the E trac. I guess after all of this rambling the point is if you are in a slump with your finds CRANK it up and SLOW it down. Thanks for looking Happy Hunting.