Hi guys and gals, i dont know if it would be of any interest to any of the new detectorists on here using the AT Pro but here goes anyways, if your finding it hard to learn how to use the iron audio with iron discrim set at between say 16 and 35 because of the confusing noises, set up in Pro Zero and iron discrim on 00 yep you read it correct set at 00 , you will find its much easier to distinguish iron from the goodies and it also runs quieter believe it or not, you wont loose any depth and realy listen for those faint signals, i think it should work just has well on the American model as it does on the English model , give it a go , you may be very suprised, ps work slow and low, hope this helps, cheers Andy . Forgot to mention you still run with iron audio on, so thats Pro Zero, iron audio ON and iron discrim at 00, nothing at all notched out