Well, we don't have many relics up here, but, here is what I would do. <p>-12 to -16 ironmask. Ferrous tones. I don't like ferrous tones because it makes a tab the same pitch as a silver, but since you are after buttons and lead and all, I would say ferrous. This gives iron a low tone, anything that even hits a hair higher dig. You will dig some junk this way, but it might be great junk. <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="

"> You might also try setting up a screen. Hit clear screen then check only nails. This only blacks out a very small section in the upper left corner, everything else is open. Alot of the UK dudes use that with great success. You can have this screen on and switch between iron mask and that open screen and see what you like best. <p>I would run deep on and fast off unless the site has multiple targets per swing, then deep and fast on. <p>Run Manual sens as high as you can that will give you a threshold that just breaks up some during the sweep. Even if that means running it as low as 16-18, I don't care what some people say, you <b>will</b> miss some stuff trying to run too much sens in an area that will not take it. I could get a fresh buried silver quarter at 8" the other day solid down to 15 sens and it was choppy but still good enough to dig at 14. This was fresh buried and no halo, something with a halo and you will get it at much greater depths.<p> You probably already have, but turn your threshold down to 7, just barely audible, factory default is 10 and too loud.<p>Make sure you <b>scrub</b> the ground with the coil. The Ex. is not like other detectors that get best depth if you hold the coil off the ground a little bit. You have to keep that coil on the ground.<p>Make sure you swing slow, A foot a second is a good sweep speed. If you are hunting an area that has few signals, you can sweep a little faster as long as you are keeping a decent threshold, well, one that is just slightly breaking up but not a solid null. But if you are in heavy nails, you may not ever keep a threshold, but you will know quick enough if that is the case if you run -16 Iron mask.<p>Make sure you dig anything that <b>sounds</b> good even if it is bouncing around on the screen. A deep nickel for example will bounce from left to right across the whole bottom of the screen. I am sure a deep button would do the same thing but a little higher. But anyway, you get the idea. Go by sounds, use the meter as reference only. It is a good meter, just not everything locks on where you think they should. <p>Most importantly, since you are new to it, don't let it get you down and frustrated. That will shut the finds off quicker than anything. It will find you relics deeper than you are used to digging, but you have to let it. <IMG SRC="/forums/images/biggrin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
