I had a place where I use to take my new MD's to check them out.
It's in a big old park with some history. It's a real trashy spot and is
a place where there is a good chance of finding goodies. Kind of
unknown by most MD'ers around here.
I had used a BH, a Garrett, a Fisher and then a Cibola. I found stuff
with all of them.
I got a Silver Sabre uMax and expected it's controls to be a lot like
the Cibola. They both have the same knobs and red a button for pin
I dug a small brass bell that was real deep with the SS uMax
then I got another signal close to the 12" deep hole I just dug. I dug and
dug. kept getting a signal. The hole got really big and the 12" hole became
part of the hole. Before long I had a 20" X 30" hole I could stand in and
still kept getting a signal.
I decided to check it out with my Cibola.
That was the day I realized that the setting on the sensativity must be
set for the conditions. I proceded to learn to put my sensativity on the
edge, but not too close.
Sense then, I have learned even more in the field and on these forums.
For that, I thank you all..........
Happy Hunting,