Okay, out mowing the grass today, and picked up a hornet sting. So, while I'm sitting around with the leg up waiting for the pain to ease up a little, I have a question. I have been to several locations where I can not run in manual due to chatter, unless my sens is down to like six or so. I do live in new England, which is basically synonymous with crap iron, and I'm wondering, if I turn down my sensitivity that low, am I missing things? I have tried these areas in both TTF and multi conductive, multi is definitely worse for all kinds of noise and " false signals". I know that one of these sites is definitely loaded with iron, just wondering what the best way to hunt it may be? I am running the stock coil right now, I do have an 8x6 sef coil I can throw on there as well if anybody feels it would help. Thanks everybody!