I have noticed this with most machines but more so with the XT70 and the 10.5" DD coil.
While hunting with Ron yesterday I had hit one of my so called Blips and upon going back over it I found the perfect example of a deep coin signal to share with Ron. As we were at the hole Ron was standing about 2-3 feet from me but with his iron shovel on the ground in front of him. When I went to swing over the target it was gone. By this I mean the target was totally masked by his shovel and as soon as I asked him to move it the tone of the target came back. I thought nothing of it at the time as I've dealt with this before. But thought it would be helpful to someone else.
Even in All Metal and more so with a high sen. setting and the larger DD coil you can walk right over a good target if it's near iron without even knowing its there. So when you get that nice signal and it comes in at one angle only and you lose it by turning 90* think about what I have just shared with you and relocate that good signal and dig it. Above all if you have your own shovel too close the same thing can happen.
Be aware of whats around you because your machine and the coil you use will also pick up metal at a fair distance to the sides.
While hunting with Ron yesterday I had hit one of my so called Blips and upon going back over it I found the perfect example of a deep coin signal to share with Ron. As we were at the hole Ron was standing about 2-3 feet from me but with his iron shovel on the ground in front of him. When I went to swing over the target it was gone. By this I mean the target was totally masked by his shovel and as soon as I asked him to move it the tone of the target came back. I thought nothing of it at the time as I've dealt with this before. But thought it would be helpful to someone else.
Even in All Metal and more so with a high sen. setting and the larger DD coil you can walk right over a good target if it's near iron without even knowing its there. So when you get that nice signal and it comes in at one angle only and you lose it by turning 90* think about what I have just shared with you and relocate that good signal and dig it. Above all if you have your own shovel too close the same thing can happen.
Be aware of whats around you because your machine and the coil you use will also pick up metal at a fair distance to the sides.