brother steve
Have to send my etrac back as I don't have any volume in the speakers. Went out Friday coin shooting ,just to get familiar with the etrac and was having a good time. Learned a lot and was feeling more comfortable with the machine. Sunday I went to an old site that I was researching and got all ready ,turned on the machine and no volume. Tapped the box once or twice and on it came. Huh? I found a target and put the etrac down to dig and no sound again. This happened a couple of times. Then it just quit. Plugged in the headphones and it worked fine. I called Minelab and they were real nice and told me to send it back they would take care of everything including the shipping. I feel like I sent my kid away to summer camp or something. So ,study up on some sites till she gets back. I did realize through all this ,that headphones bring in a lot more sounds and tones that I did not hear with the speaker. So I am working on some wireless headphones and I will keep you posted on those.