Living in Scotland, we are not so fortunate to be able to reach highs of 20 and above in manual sens., we on average only get between 10 and 15.This question re auto sens applys not only to myself ( so no faulty machine)but also to my 2 friends who also have explorers and have the same problems.
When we switch to semi auto , say at man setting 16 when we are only getting 14 on man, the machines dont seem to look below 16 they always go eratic telling us that it has set its self on a number higher than14.Trying noise cancelling manually or auto. makes no diff.Even when we set the man sens to 0 and then hit auto it settles on a number that is too high and unstable.If the auto setting trys to go higher than 0 is it not doing what it should not be doing.
All other aspects of the machine are 1st class,I only feel that in our conditions auto would be ideal but we are unable to use it.
The auto sens on the sovereign was and still is superb.
Has anyone else found this problem and is there an answer.many thanks for your time.
When we switch to semi auto , say at man setting 16 when we are only getting 14 on man, the machines dont seem to look below 16 they always go eratic telling us that it has set its self on a number higher than14.Trying noise cancelling manually or auto. makes no diff.Even when we set the man sens to 0 and then hit auto it settles on a number that is too high and unstable.If the auto setting trys to go higher than 0 is it not doing what it should not be doing.
All other aspects of the machine are 1st class,I only feel that in our conditions auto would be ideal but we are unable to use it.
The auto sens on the sovereign was and still is superb.
Has anyone else found this problem and is there an answer.many thanks for your time.