Personally I strongly advocate against selling Silver & Gold because I feel our once Great Country is in the economical crapper.
We as a Country just keep printing and printing more paper Dollars just to give Billions away to Country's that hate us.
Notice how a few years ago Silver was $45 an Oz. now its under $16,Gold was around $2000 an Oz now its under $1200
Think our economy has improved that much??? Answer...Heck NO!! honestly it's worse!!!
But....If you must sell common date Silver coins or Gold Jewelry educate yourself.
1st. Go to coininfo.com use the Silver/Gold scrap calculator to see how much your items are worth(a cheap digital scale readily available on flea bay works great for this)
Then post what you have on craiglist,don't give your real name,and meet in a public place preferably 1 with alot of cameras.(McDonald etc.)
State in your ad Cash Only! In God I Trust Everyone else Cash Only.
Include a picture of what your selling.
Your coins/jewelry will sell fast because coin stores/pawn shops/etc.mark everything up above melt/scrap value.
Sure you have to answer email/text/call but.you'll make more money guaranteed!
Hope this helps.Midwest
We as a Country just keep printing and printing more paper Dollars just to give Billions away to Country's that hate us.
Notice how a few years ago Silver was $45 an Oz. now its under $16,Gold was around $2000 an Oz now its under $1200
Think our economy has improved that much??? Answer...Heck NO!! honestly it's worse!!!
But....If you must sell common date Silver coins or Gold Jewelry educate yourself.
1st. Go to coininfo.com use the Silver/Gold scrap calculator to see how much your items are worth(a cheap digital scale readily available on flea bay works great for this)
Then post what you have on craiglist,don't give your real name,and meet in a public place preferably 1 with alot of cameras.(McDonald etc.)
State in your ad Cash Only! In God I Trust Everyone else Cash Only.
Include a picture of what your selling.
Your coins/jewelry will sell fast because coin stores/pawn shops/etc.mark everything up above melt/scrap value.
Sure you have to answer email/text/call but.you'll make more money guaranteed!
Hope this helps.Midwest