After reading the message about the sapphire ring and getting enough $ for a new detector, I thought I'd relate what happened recently. I know this jeweller who I have brought things to to verify if the stones are real. Recently I brought in a tiny, platinum ring with two small central diamonds (about 1 point each) surrounded by 10 more real small diamonds. He threw it on the scale and says $ 40. I realize the entire ring weighs maybe 3 grams so the metal alone should be over $100 without the real diamonds.
Today I bring in a 14K gold ring with a 3.5 point and 2 point diamonds. He says the diamonds are real but not that great, I'll give you $ 100. No thanks.
Now I realize you are not going to get anywhere near retail or wholesale or insurance values but Damn I didn't expect pawn shop pricing. Okay I understand this is just one guy but I have the feeling that most jewellers aren't falling over themselves to give you a good deal on a ring that is used and may not be of a desireable style. I hate to rain on the sapphire ring guys parade but I would be curious as to what he was really offered for the ring if at all. Its all good to have an estimate but estimates don't buy new detectors.
I just sent my first shipment to Midwest of the plain bands and stoneless jewellry. But my stone collection is growing steadily (approaching 100 "keepers") which are adding exactly squat to my bank account. Nice to look at but what are they really worth on the open market?
What do you guys do with stuff you no longer want in your museums?
Thanks for any input.
Today I bring in a 14K gold ring with a 3.5 point and 2 point diamonds. He says the diamonds are real but not that great, I'll give you $ 100. No thanks.
Now I realize you are not going to get anywhere near retail or wholesale or insurance values but Damn I didn't expect pawn shop pricing. Okay I understand this is just one guy but I have the feeling that most jewellers aren't falling over themselves to give you a good deal on a ring that is used and may not be of a desireable style. I hate to rain on the sapphire ring guys parade but I would be curious as to what he was really offered for the ring if at all. Its all good to have an estimate but estimates don't buy new detectors.
I just sent my first shipment to Midwest of the plain bands and stoneless jewellry. But my stone collection is growing steadily (approaching 100 "keepers") which are adding exactly squat to my bank account. Nice to look at but what are they really worth on the open market?
What do you guys do with stuff you no longer want in your museums?
Thanks for any input.