Nice video Keith. Thank you for sharing that with us.
I'm thinking of picking up an extra coil or two for my MXT pro. I'm hearing a lot about that 5.3 lately with basically no negative comments on it. I just didn't know if the 5.3 performed like the SEF 6x8(better/worse)? As I've mentioned in other posts all I have is the 12" concentric that came with my MXT Pro....and that is all I've been using in all the places I've searched. Am I hurting my chances in your guys opinion of using this coil..say vs a 5.3? I have found a lot of clad and some silver. I really would like to locate more silver(wouldn't we all), but I don't know if it is perhaps the sites I'm searching, or the coil I may be using???? I do notice that sometimes when I swing the 12" that I get a good tone one way and then either a bad tone or no tone the other when using the 12". Should I be digging those iffy targets?
I know one thing...I'm tired of those +94's and digging brown rusty metal. It seems that any time I get a 90's signal it is a rusty nail, or bolt or piece of metal.