Matter of fact, my oldest son is now set up with an as new M6 which replaces his IDX Pro. I've had 5 of the M6 units and have used all of the White's coils and many of the Detech/SEF coils as well. You asked about wanting a larger coil for "relic hunting" and wanting more depth in open fields than the stock 950 coil. The question I first have is what size and type of 'relic' are you looking for?
For large objects, such as cannon balls or other larger-size targets, the bigger search coils can work okay. They will, however, be much heavier and more difficult to control and work for long periods of time, and aren't the best pick if you're hunting inside the wooded areas. Also, they will start to lose performance and depth on responsiveness to smaller-size targets such as coins, tokens, bullets and buttons.
For best performance with the M6 I always make sure I do NOT use Tone ID, and once I get a good Ground Balance I lock the toggle to hold that GB setting. I have had good performance with the 950 coil in most settings, and I usually hunt with the Discrimination set at absolute minimum, unless it is very trashy, then I only go high enough to reject a common iron nail.
Other coils that worked OK for me have been the 10" DD Detech Excelerator and the 10" DD White's. I've also done OK with the SEF 10X12 coil and found it to work better than the 12X15, however, it is also a heavier coil than the White's 10" DD, and I think the 10" DD Excelerator is slightly lighter weight. Of these three I actually had the best results with the Excelerator followed by the White's, both 10" DD types, on both M6 and MXT units.
With all that stated which coil do I prefer when hunting more open areas and I want a little better depth than the 950? It's White's 12" concentric coil I like it better than the three DD's I mentioned for depth and especially for pinpointing. Usually the 950 works quite well, but I run the Discrimination very low and the Sensitivity very high, locking the GB setting. The 12" coil is also heavier than the 950, but I do use it from time-to-time.
95% of my detecting with an M6 and MXT is with the 6