Mike Chgo area
Well-known member
David drove down from up north Saturday for a day of detecting. It was a little cool but we had a good time. My take was 3 Wheaties 1920-P and 2 in the fifties plus a Lincoln spring type hood ornement.
We spotted a vacant lot which had been bull dozed and it was not fenced or posted so we thought we would give it a shot. Across the alley was a church. After detecting a while a minister came out and asked if we were doing any good. I said no, not finding anything. He said "This is private property you know". I asked if he minded if we detected the place. He asked if we were members of the church and I said no. He said we would have to get permission from the rectory of leave. Since he would be the rectory we just left the area.
What I think is odd about this is the following. I have been metal detecting for over 35 years and have only been asked to leave 2 places when detecting. The one I mentioned above and the other a woodchip playground behind a church.
We spotted a vacant lot which had been bull dozed and it was not fenced or posted so we thought we would give it a shot. Across the alley was a church. After detecting a while a minister came out and asked if we were doing any good. I said no, not finding anything. He said "This is private property you know". I asked if he minded if we detected the place. He asked if we were members of the church and I said no. He said we would have to get permission from the rectory of leave. Since he would be the rectory we just left the area.
What I think is odd about this is the following. I have been metal detecting for over 35 years and have only been asked to leave 2 places when detecting. The one I mentioned above and the other a woodchip playground behind a church.