Ok, Ok...listening here...I'm pretty gosh darn fast with the stock F70 rig, at least I think I am..
....I have no experience to date in a foot race against anybody to gauge myself by though...Heck, I might be slow or middling for all I know...
Maybe a seeded speed hunt will give me a 'real world' idea of just how good (or bad) I am?
Larry, there are actually 'seeded hunt pros' out there that make this their skill and area of expertise? They actually go there to wipe out all the trophys? Do they travel from hunt to hunt and really work it? I CAN knock down pennies in the grass in a hurry, thats for sure!
The one time I did a real world in field time assessment a few years back, was 70+ coin targets in 30minutes..with the stock rig and a screwdriver...so I think this 'seeded hunt' deal may be up my alley, but I dont know? Whatcha think? When I shot fish in tournaments, I never used a reel like everybody else did, I had 3 arrows ready to go at all times, one on the deck, one on the bow, one in my offhand, all tied off to my belt, fast and instinctive....anyway, its fun to think about if its a speed/recovery thing...
Do people use Pinpointers and trowels? Or do the really fast people just use a screwdriver?
Help a brother out here! I dont know how long I have left on this Planet to do this...