I headed to a small town south of me,it was a library run to reload on reading material.Took the MXT Pro along.I hunted both edges of the sidewalk leading from the parking lot to the swimming pool.It was 56 degrees and breezy.I started out with the 6X10 coil but switched to the 5.3 because of the trash.I dug $4.25 in clad.8 quarters,16 dimes,8 nickels and 25 pennies.I found no jewelry.None of the coins were very deep.This park has had fill dirt hauled in several times.Clad dimes hit on VDI 77,nickels 18 or 20 or bounced from 18 to 20.In this super dry dirt if it hit 77 it was a dime.I can't believe how sensitive to nickels this detector is.I only hunted out from the sidewalk about 3 feet.This park gets hunted alot.With the 5.3 coil I was able to pick coins out of the trash.I hit a coin spill,it had 11 dimes,1 nickel and one penny in a spot the was 10 by 10 inches square.The spill area also had,beavertails,square pulltabs and aluminum screwcaps between the coins.I love the tone ID!!! Got to go to the big city tomorrow.I might hit some soccer fields with the Bigfoot coil.I left some deeper coins as I couldn't dig deep enough in the bone dry rock hard ground.Bill