New member
Went to another site that I dread to hunt due to the iron trash and pop tops...This place is worse than yesterdays field...I think they brought in grit strained at a local sewage plant to fill this place...I have seen that stuff, and the dirt looked just like it...Also think they brought in dirt from bulldozed house sites, as I was finding the door latches, nails, and such...The 8.5x11 DD coil is just amazing...first good signal I found was a 82 quarter signal among some surrounding iron trash...I dig down 4" and I find 3 pennies...I rub one, and it is a wheat...I rub another...Wheat...I rescan the hole...still getting a 80-82 on VDI...I dig a little more...I pull out a few more pennies...ALL wheats...I found 13 wheats and 4 memorials in this one hole...all by a picnic table in this little community park...I was floored...I usually do not find that many wheats in a month...Oldest dated 1939 and they went right up to 1950s...I later switched to the 6.5x9 Super Sniper coil...I found NOTHING super about that piece of junk...It cannot pinpoint a manhole cover, and target separation went out the window...I would have been better off if I chose the 5" DD...I think I am gonna send this thing back to kellyco and exchange it for the 5" DD...Was doing OK, until I switched coils...The DDs are the way to go. Save your money and skip the 6.5x9...Hope the 8x5 is better...The ring reads high in the silver range, but I think it is copper and turquois...