Hi Fellow Hunters!
Went to the lake yesterday for a few hours. Was glad to see that my Excal didn't have any major problems! The problem w/ the excal was my volume was too low & for some reason gave an unstable threshold sound. Once it was turned up it works like a charm. Thanks to all you guys for the emails & the suggested help! I guess I found out being new to using the excal it has a lot more smarts than me
! This class ring was unusual, when you look into the set it has a head of an Indian wearing a headress. I've still not had any luck finding the owner of the other class ring, but I'm going to try real hard to find the owner of this one. Thanks for your help Gulfhunter, Old Beechnut, Willee, Bobbie, Grumpyolman, ToniSteve (I didn't mean to scare you about the Excal - it really is a great machine!). I'm still looking for my first gold ring for this year. Thanks a lot! HH!
Went to the lake yesterday for a few hours. Was glad to see that my Excal didn't have any major problems! The problem w/ the excal was my volume was too low & for some reason gave an unstable threshold sound. Once it was turned up it works like a charm. Thanks to all you guys for the emails & the suggested help! I guess I found out being new to using the excal it has a lot more smarts than me