charlie dert
New member
Went to a local park I have been working and got my second Barber dime at about 3"... but wouldn't you know I gouged it. Much to my relief it had no mint mark so I didn't ruin a key date. Also got three different dollar coins and the weird thing is that I have never found a dollar coin before. The quarter from Ecuador was a junk though as they are made from steel.
The 1904 barber was my 40th silver in two months (if you count the two war nics as silver) I was kind of surprised at how shallow it was but I was not surprised at the fact that it was mixed in with trash.
The 1904 barber was my 40th silver in two months (if you count the two war nics as silver) I was kind of surprised at how shallow it was but I was not surprised at the fact that it was mixed in with trash.