Well, I was too lazy to change coils, so it was a joint effort with my Ace and the Tracker IV., I feel I wasted too much time checking some signals with the Tracker=the place was full of screwcaps, large metal. So-o-oo, out comes the versatile Ace w/sniper coil and my favorite customs mode setting in trashy sites. At first, I thought it was gonna be a zincsalot hunt-but then the quarters-which the Ace LOVES started hitting. Amazingly, the extension bar w/bit hit at nickels instead of being rejected. Wasting just this hour probably cost me the extra 15 coins-so only85 coins this trip. Amazingly also, the mexican $1 coin hit at iron on the Ace and was almost rejected by the Tracker. I DID have some fun at a local school at the last few minutes with the Tracker and even found the silver dime at the top on TOP of the ground. Guess I'm gonna have to get another Ace to have one w/large coil to avoid delays.