Good morning all. I am a newbie; not just to the CTX 3030 but to metal detecting. My first detector is the CTX 3030 and I am blessed to have it! I have been reading the forum posts and watching all the you tube video, digging into the manual etc. "learning to be my detectors master." I am pleased to say that I've gone out (3) times and have found a coin each time. Being an anxious rookie, the first day, if my detector made a noise and I could pinpoint it, I dug like the wind. It didn't matter if the noise was low pitched or high. I just put it together, charged the battery and went. I actually swung for about 10 minutes and dug for about 2 hours - bottle caps, pull tabs, nails etc. I decided there had to be a better way and started reading and reading. I got a good work out that day
. Even so, I found some coins (pennies and a dime - newer).
After reading some of the posts, I am starting to get a better "feeling" for when to dig and when to pass. I now understand the TID readings (to a degree) and can decide if I want to put in the effort or not. Thanks for all those who have posted the TID for coins etc. What a blessing to us all.
I have also committed to the Lord to tithe 10% of my findings to the church and invite anyone else to join me in this.
My question(s) are as follows:
Please help me understand the "Search Modes":
Ground coin (what does this mean in regards to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
Ferrous coin (what does this mean to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
Deep search (what does this mean to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
Fast recovery (what does this mean to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
High Trash
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
What do these modes specialize in? As an example:
I live along an historic river in the Miami Valley, OH. My home was built in the 1940, However, I believe the land was settled well before this. I had a few minutes and doing some surveying (locating but not digging - too hot) in my yard last night. I came across a some very odd settings in a remote part of my property:
In the silver mode and coin mode:
1.50 = 9" down
I found several:
All in this 5' square area about 9" down. All the coins I've found tend to have a reading of 12.43 etc or in that ball park. It was late and I didn't dig but is my hunch right that these may be aluminum cans etc. or could I have found the Shawnee Silver/Gold hoard (I'm a Positive person
. I know, you won't know until you dig but, it is pouring today and was too hot to dig last night. Any thoughts on these readings?
Any help with explaining the modes would be very appreciated and I wish all the best of blessings in their digging!
After reading some of the posts, I am starting to get a better "feeling" for when to dig and when to pass. I now understand the TID readings (to a degree) and can decide if I want to put in the effort or not. Thanks for all those who have posted the TID for coins etc. What a blessing to us all.
I have also committed to the Lord to tithe 10% of my findings to the church and invite anyone else to join me in this.
My question(s) are as follows:
Please help me understand the "Search Modes":
Ground coin (what does this mean in regards to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
Ferrous coin (what does this mean to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
Deep search (what does this mean to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
Fast recovery (what does this mean to the settings/sensitivity/filtering)
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
High Trash
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
What does it highlight and what does it filter?
What do these modes specialize in? As an example:
I live along an historic river in the Miami Valley, OH. My home was built in the 1940, However, I believe the land was settled well before this. I had a few minutes and doing some surveying (locating but not digging - too hot) in my yard last night. I came across a some very odd settings in a remote part of my property:
In the silver mode and coin mode:
1.50 = 9" down
I found several:
All in this 5' square area about 9" down. All the coins I've found tend to have a reading of 12.43 etc or in that ball park. It was late and I didn't dig but is my hunch right that these may be aluminum cans etc. or could I have found the Shawnee Silver/Gold hoard (I'm a Positive person
Any help with explaining the modes would be very appreciated and I wish all the best of blessings in their digging!