Yeah...Schools...weekends or holidays very early in the am...NEVER when theres some sort of function going on. Also, never carry a shovel or even a trowel, just a small screwdriver, and even then keep it tucked up concealed along your arm. The bummer about schools is, some adult will call the law, and you could get a trespassing charge, or the kids will attack you and kill you if they can. Also, the cops like to park in the school parking lots and fill out their reports, thats good! Dress nice and wave to them and go about your business. I've never had any trouble hunting schools, and they are good spots, but be aware or whats going on, and dont stay too long. You have to look harmless and friendly to most folks, but also too tough to mess with to others, so its a fine line. In a pinch, you can defend yourself with your Pro-pointer, most uneducated people will think its some sort of tazer, when you brandish it as such, and its buzzing to be danged, and get to your vehicle. I dont ask permission, I figure my taxes cover that. Of course this advice is geographically sensitive..Good Luck,