Type: Online Auction/Classified Scam
Method of Delivery: Online
Primary Region Effected: All Regions (National)
Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation-
Scam Characteristics:
At any given time, millions of dollars worth of merchandise is bought and sold through online auctions and classified ads. While the vast majority of sellers are legitimate, cybercriminals have begun using these popular methods of commerce to steal the personal and financial information of people looking to find a great deal.
Here's how it works: The thief sets up a fraudulent auction for a product they do not actually have in stock. Once the auction has ended and the buyer has paid, the thief will use a stolen credit card to purchase an identical item from a retailer or manufacturer and have it shipped directly to the purchaser. The thief is out nothing (remember, they used a stolen credit card) and now they have your credit card information.
The following are steps you can take to help avoid becoming a victim of this scam:
Type: Online Auction/Classified Scam
Method of Delivery: Online
Primary Region Effected: All Regions (National)
Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation-
Scam Characteristics:
At any given time, millions of dollars worth of merchandise is bought and sold through online auctions and classified ads. While the vast majority of sellers are legitimate, cybercriminals have begun using these popular methods of commerce to steal the personal and financial information of people looking to find a great deal.
Here's how it works: The thief sets up a fraudulent auction for a product they do not actually have in stock. Once the auction has ended and the buyer has paid, the thief will use a stolen credit card to purchase an identical item from a retailer or manufacturer and have it shipped directly to the purchaser. The thief is out nothing (remember, they used a stolen credit card) and now they have your credit card information.
The following are steps you can take to help avoid becoming a victim of this scam: