Trouble is most machines are built for the masses. There's always something wrong that we don't like or is missing in a machine.
If we have enough money, we can try a whole bunch of them and still not be fully satisfied. More so when a new machine comes out and the hype
says its better than anything used before......
I am now finally happy with what I own. I even went back to a ID model I sold last summer, should have kept it. It may not be the best currently on the market but, for me its right there near the top.
What it has going for it is that its a target ID machine with infinite amount of menus that I can taylor just about every parameter so the detector feels like it was custom built for my personal likes and
needs. Isn't that what we look for in a detector? So I just gave myself a Christmas present to play with next spring. Won't see it until early January.
Have to admit all these new machines coming out are pretty cool, wouldn't mind having a bunch of them just to have them. a former collector of lots of old cool stuff, it would be
easy to binge buy a bunch of longer have the cash......keeps me under control.
Have to admit its fun trying different machines....................after this purchase, no more for me. Think my wife may want a new one...................