Went out to my favorite Barber territory and tried out the 6x10 coil on my DFX. Hit some areas that we'd hit good before, with some mixed results. The V Nickles were a direct result of the new coil (and a good imagination). They were iffy at best, but soil conditions were harsh. The rest was found in areas that we thought we'd hunted well, or in new areas. The Large Cent is out of character for that area, and was only 1" deep. We just plain missed it last time out. A decent day, even though I didn't bring enough to drink. Paid the price when I got home, but OK now. Dehydration sucks! The 3 ring bullet was odd. It was never fired, so I don't think it was jammed. It was broken after the second ring and the rest is still in there. The 1912 V nickle was mint when dropped!! I tried to rub as hard as I could to get an "S" to appear, as well as a "VDB" on the 1909 Wheat. No luck! Couldn't get a "S" to appear on the 1912 V either. Never seems to go that way. But a great time detecting. It sure clears the brain. HH