One in the morning and one in the evening for a total of 7 1/2 hours. Not too much garbage which was nice. The bracelet is stirling. I thought the Balboa thing was a coin from Barbados when I found it, but after cleaning it, I can see it was just a trinket that used to hang off of a necklace. The earring was a fresh drop in the dry on the way back to the truck. Don't think it's gold. Says CN on it. China?? That blob of metal threw me for a loop. I was looking for a coin or jewelry in the scoop and wasn't 'seeing' it. I finally just got out of the water and dumped the scoop out and took handfuls of shells, etc and waved it over the coil. Even after it was in my hand, it still looked like a rock. A melted can? No hunting on Sunday. Just spent the day with the kiddos. My son, apparently, had taken pictures of the finds already. I threw his in here just for kicks.