OK everyone!! Here are the pics from yesterdays club hunt. If you missed it you missed a chance on some GREAT prizes. I would like to thank everyone who came out and a special thanks to the winners of the blind auction! We had a total of $90.00 in proceeds from the auction and one lucky winner took home half ($45.00) which was Larry Fillman! Congrats Larry!! You better thank your wife for making sure your name was in the hat !! All 4 tokens that I placed out were found by noon. 3 of them were worth a $10.00 gift card from Casey's General Store and the 4th one that was a special token was worth a one troy ounce silver round engraved with PATH 2013 won by Dave Mcgarvey. Congrats Dave ! No silver was found but it was a awesome day and I had some much fun hosting this hunt I will for sure be another in the future!!!