...I seen something on the ABC World News this morning that almost made me puke.....Remember O.J.Simpson-the poster boy for"IF IT DOES NOT FIT;YOU MUST ACQUIT"-and all that nonsense about the whole trial??WELL-Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse;they say on the news this morning he is either writing;or has written a book-titled;believe it or not;something like "IF I DID DO IT"-an in-depth look into his "theoretical" murder of Nicole Brown Simpson,and Ronald Goldman....Ya know what,Brothers and sisters;back in 1989,I had my first wife tell me she wanted a divorce,and she proceeded to run off with a co-worker"friend" of mine-NEVER,EVER did I once have the desire to slit their throats like a hog in the slaughter house-Can you imagine;If that had happened to my ex-wife and her new man-whether I was involved in it or not-I could not even imagine writing a book about it-That tells me;if he really loved his wife-ex or not-He would NOT be telling -in detail-how he MIGHT have done it....BLOOD MONEY-Thats all it is-Him profiting off 2 peoples' horrible deaths-It takes a REAL SICK GENIUS to dream that one up-Worst part is; it will probably be a best-seller;and he will make a ton of money off it...I seen a movie years ago;and a man that was supposed to be satan said in this movie"every man has his price"...

LEASE:LET US ALL PRAY FOR THE FAMILIES OF NICOLE BROWN SIMPSON;AND RONALD GOLDMAN-AND OJ'S CHILDREN;THAT HAVE TO LIVE WITH THIS NIGHT MARE ALL OVER AGAIN-And also;for the soul of OJ Simpson-AND;for all the souls that will actually BUY this piece of blood-money swill....Lets all stand up and denounce this for what it really is;the love of money;the hell with what's right!!....