My Tesoro Sand Shark arrived today. I am heading to the water in the AM.
I will let you know how it works out. I have had three cheapo detectors and just recently got a Garrett Ace 250 while I was waiting on the Sand Shark to arrive.
The Garrett I am really pleased with so far. Seems to have been perfect for what I wanted it for - The dry sand areas and some land use. I am thrilled with the discrimination function of it. I am having to use the pinpoint button and that is different but not a big deal. I dug several targets with it already and even when I don't use the pinpoint feature I am off only a inch or two at most.
I plan on having the wife dry beach hunt while I surf hunt. She is excited to try it. God I hope she finds something. I have even considered salting her hunts.. Just kidding.
Back to the Sand Shark. I am pretty much pleased with it so far remember I have only used it for a total of ten minutes.

There is a small issue of the control box not lining up with the mounting pins(4) properly under my arm. I will have to take another look at that. I have to exert upward pressure to force the last pin to fit and pop through the hole. I am worried the control box may fall off in the surf. I will keep and eye on that.
As far as the drop in battery pack of the S.S. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I have a old whites 2900 pro that has never worked 100% right because of the &*&^
drop in battery pack making a poor connection most of the time. I even have to shake or slap the thing around sometimes.
I would have reconsidered the SS detector had I known it was a drop in pack. Using a friction connection like this for a power source are a no no in my one experience.
They just don't hold up over time. In all fairness the Whites had pointed connectors contacting a small flat square pad and this one has 1/4inch square ones on both sides with lots more surface area so it may be OK.
Time will tell. It was nice that both of these detectors ACE & S.S came with battery's already installed. A nice touch.
Headphones have lots of adjustment and seem to fit OK. I would have liked a speaker option just so I could take the them off sometimes. I think the heat build up under them will be bad.
Time will tell. I am on Mon Louis island and it Is a real jungle here. I am worried about skin rashes using headphones all the time. Head rot would not be nice

I wonder why Tesoro does not have a speaker box accessory that screws in like the coil connector does? Then I could unscrew headphones & connect a speaker box, when I wanted a speaker?
Heck it could even have a water proof switch and another head phone connector on it so I could switch back and forth on the go. Hmmmmm. Easily would be worth $50 more to me. Oh well.
Wish in one hand *(&* in the other I guess.
The balance feels right and the weight of the thing is pretty light. After I swing it four or five hours I will report back on this.
It came with some very small single use grease packs about five of them for the control box seal. Nice, touch.
The Velcro ties provided for the coil wire are too few and to short. (2ea) should have been 1/2 inch longer and I need at least four of them. Walmart here I come.
Now the function. Adjusting the frequency as they call it, I call it the Pitch or what it SOUNDS like.
This was a piece of cake and takes all of a couple of minutes to do and is only need one time unless you change it.
Turn on knob to "F" position and then us the threshold knob to set it to what ever sound you like.
It only took two minutes because I was trying several settings and air testing the coil with gold, iron and silver to see what it sounded like.
Making the sound to be something I like Is a big plus. I think this feature will be one I really like.
Once frequency (sound) was set where I wanted it readjusting the threshold took but a quick twist of the Threshold setting knob after returning the "F" knob to normal setting.
Now, I really like how it sounds when I am air testing. I am amazed at the distance it is sounding off at, at least twice that of the Ace 250.
I am going to beach hunt or brackish water ( about 1 mile off the gulf ) swimming hole hunt tomorrow depending on the storm possibility in the morning.
I just finished power washing and bleaching the mildew off my pontoon boat so I am set for the river this weekend.
Wish me luck,
More later