As TVR says, it's a pulse machine. So you'll have no way to reject nails , bobby pins, etc..... On some beaches, this may cause you to go psycho. I saw a guy show up with a Sand Shark on some of our beaches here in CA. He could effortlessly cut through black sand (although it's not too common to have to tackle that type sand here .....) . But otherwise .... he ditched it quickly and got a standard machine (Etrac) for the beach. So he could discern iron.
On some very touristy clean beaches, you could probably get away with it.
As for depth, I don't think it's going to get coin-sized objects any deeper than regular machines. In the old days, beach pulse machines got deeper than standard machines. But that gap has since been closed (unless you're talking insane pulse machines, like some nugget machines). But for beach pulse, there are standard machines that go just as deep as them for coin-sized objects nowadays.
But standard machines will miss tinsel fine chains and earing studs that a pulse has a fighting chance to get. So as you can see, there's scores of pros & cons.