O K there is green corrosion starting on the CTX 3030 coil plug-in. This is after 3 week's of useing in the saltwater ocean. I clean the ctx 3030 after every trip to the beach when I get home. The green corrosion is all over the threads of the coil plug-in of the ctx 3030. This is one place I have not cleaned before until I saw the threads after changing the coil and seen it. If you use in saltwater check that out. I used a toothbrush to clean it off all the way around the plug-in. then I put WD 40 on a Q tip and lightly wipeing it on the threads. This may not be the best stuff to use maybe but that's all I had. I know there is something else I could use that the divers use but can't remember what it is ? Here is some not the best photos but they will have to do.