kinda hate to see you give up a 40cal pistol, although, I do understand about consolidating on three rounds. I had about 6,000 rounds of 9mm liberated from me when the crew came to clean the water out of my basement. Ammo was high and dry, and told them to save it, not ditch it. Said it several times. Guess they misunderstood and thought I said, "Keep it for yourselves."
Ammo gone., later noticed that a fantastic Browning Hi Power and an early equally fantastice FEG copy of of it went off togehter and never returned from my upstairs bedroom.
So, when all this recently came about, since I was out of the 9mm in ammo and pistols, I decided to get into 40cal, especially since the government was buying so much hollow point 40. I have a 40 cal Hi Point Carbine, that I really like, and just bought a FNP 40 pistol. Like the feel, but really did love the Browing. Miss it. FEG, was really sweet, too. I shot it and saved the Browning just to make love to. Hold it, touch it.
Don't have the 40 cal ammo stock that I did with the 9mm, before the cleaners cleaned me out of mine, but, I guess that I have near enough. Hope to get at least 1,.000 total before long.
I, also, was liberated of much of my .308, due to a couple of burglaries. Nice Israeli hot rounds. But, that is another sad story.
So, I do understand your desire to consolidate ammo streams. I went with .308, and 40. I had .223, I am thinking about selling it, with prices high now, or, trading even for .308.
If I didn't have the FNP, already, just bought it, and if I had seen your ad, earlier, I would have liked to have gotten yours. Good price.