Kelley (Texas)
New member
At long last, I finally got a couple of macro bug pictures without using wasp spray, scotch tape, or straight pins. These are for real! I was trying to take a picture of the yellow flower when all of a sudden the bee landed on it. I took about ten pictures before the bee left the scene, but these two are the only ones that were half way decent. I do recognise the fact that they are not of the same quality as the ones that have been posted by Royal in the past, but it is a step in the right direction. I took the pictures using the "Auto" mode on my point and shoot digital camera and the pictures came out with some grain, and they may be slightly out of focus. This is a small step in the right direction now that I know I can do it, but I recognise that I have a long way to go to attain the high level quality of the pictures posted by Royal in the past. Kelley (Texas)
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