Well-known member
Snuck out again this morning, back to where I left off and continued to grid towards the building. Yesterday was four clad dimes and a nickel plus the Merc. Today I managed a 52 wheat and fairly close nearby a flash of silver, a 43P nickel!!!
Odd thing to day was an weird reading bordering on nickel/tab and was four way repeatable and showing 4” down so interested. Located a nickel sitting on top of a quarter and both were perfectly flat. Ok, nickel explains no quarter signal. Pulled them apart and discovered nickel had corroded the quarter! Never seen this before…….
Odd thing to day was an weird reading bordering on nickel/tab and was four way repeatable and showing 4” down so interested. Located a nickel sitting on top of a quarter and both were perfectly flat. Ok, nickel explains no quarter signal. Pulled them apart and discovered nickel had corroded the quarter! Never seen this before…….