Spent most of the day inside yesterday, and made a batch of smoked almonds with peanuts and cheese yesterday evening. The nuts mixture included honey, brown sugar, salt, butter, cinnamon and cayenne powder. An hour or so in the smoker and then the oven and the finished batch was the best in the land.

Here is the cheese I also smoked at the same time as the nuts. The Gouda and Cheddar cheese smoked for about 5 hours in the smoker. Buying smoked cheese in the store can get expensive, yet smoking it costa pennies.

Headed out this afternoon for about 1 1/2 hours. It was frikk'n freezing. It wasn't the temperature so much as that strong north wind, which kind of blows right through you. As that old saying goes....." It was cold enough to freeze the nuts off a brass monkey."

Here's all the beeps I got today. I got over a dollar....pretty good for this time of year!