Big Fang Coin Biter
New member
Hit some construction in the middle of town. Ended up with four crusted Indian heads and two silver coins. This is only my second silver dollar in nine years of detecting!! I was hunting about 15 feet from the edge of where the old sidewalk was (sort of in the street area). I came to a huge mud puddle and got a big signal about a foot into the puddle. I didn't expect much because big signals were everywhere from chewed up wire to pipes. Anyway, I dug out a goppy scoop and was surprised to find the target was dug up. checking the mud I found a huge silver disc! Wow that was cool. It had a bunch of black crud stuck to it so it was hard to tell condition. Cleaned up pretty good. I used electrolysis and ended up having to daub CLR on the black crud to get it off. The seated dime didn't fare as well and is pitted. This is what it is all about... dig in the mud - find treasure!
Take care and HH - BF
Take care and HH - BF