>>>The once-prominent Blue Star Flag that hung in windows in wartime is making a comeback. The flag made a brief appearance during the Persian Gulf War in 1991, but because of the conflicts short duration, never really caught on.
The tradition originated with WWI. In 1917, the Congressional Record stated:
"The world should know of those who give so much for liberty.
The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother---their children."
Also known as a Service Flag, the blue stands for hope and pride.
When family members were killed, the blue star was replaced with a gold one representing sacrifice.
A silver star stood for someone invalided home for wounds sustained overseas.
Lapel pins also sported the same symbols.
Captain Robert B. Quiesser, an Ohio National Guard veteran of the Mexican Border (1916), is credited with designing the original flag.
During WWII, VFW actively promoted the flag through window cards and the assistance of radio stations. On October 17, 1943, Congress authorized the flag, and in February 1943, the secretary of war approved an official design.
Although displaying Blue Star Flag's virtually vanished during the Korean and Vietnam wars, it was not until July 31, 1968, that the Pentagon issued regulations governing the design, use, and purchase of Service flags and pins.<<<