A different day it was.....Picked up my buddy Scott and headed to one of our favorite wooded areas, which sometimes gives up some old coins and relics. I got some coins (oldest 1950 penny), a nice intact old compact and a bag of white powder wrapped in a camo rag, stashed between two saplings beside a log with an empty flattened emptied 2 liter Coke bottle stuffed underneath the log. Ha!......I know tell tale markers of hidden treasures near-by. That bottle wasn't there because of pure laziness on someones part, but there as a marker to locate the nearby treasure wrapped up for easy locating. I wish that I could be a fly on the tree when that person who stashed it discovers that it is missing!

Here is that older compact. There are no commercial stampings on it. The area we hunted dates back to the turn of the century. I have no idea as to how old it was.

Here is the white Edmonton snow, gold or whatever you want to call it. I did a Google search to see what cocaine is selling for. It of course varies, as to what part of the world you live in. In North America, cocaine sells for about $80.00 a gram to about $140.00 a gram. I rounded it off to about $100.00 a gram for simplicity. I hunted for a couple of more hours, and I must say I was a little nervous about getting busted. How do you convince a Police Officer that ....well....."I Found It."

Anyhow, I caught up with Scott, we did a photo-op of our finds, then drove to the nearest Police Station to hand in my valuable stash, getting nada for my efforts. He repackaged it so it could be destroyed, and I asked him to weigh it, which came out to 46.6 grams.
I told him I figured it was worth a a couple of hundred bucks.....he looked at me and replied, it's worth a little more then that!